Hey there, fellow movers and shakers! As a seasoned realtor, I thought I had the whole moving game down pat. But let me tell you, even for us pros, transitioning to a new place comes with its fair share of surprises and soul-searching moments. So, pull up a chair, grab a cup of your favorite brew, and let’s dive into the nitty-gritty of what I wish I knew about moving:

1. Starting Over Feels Like a Fresh Canvas: Whether you’re relocating across town or across the country, that feeling of starting over is universal. Suddenly, you find yourself asking the most basic questions like, “Where’s the nearest grocery store?” or “Which street leads to the freeway?” It’s like your brain hits the reset button, and you’re back to square one.

2. Saying Goodbye to Home Sweet Home Hurts: As a realtor, I’ve sold my fair share of homes, but nothing prepared me for bidding adieu to a place I poured my heart and soul into. Selling a beloved home can tug at your heartstrings in unexpected ways. The memories, the love, the little quirks – they all make saying goodbye feel like ripping off a Band-Aid.

3. New House, New Problems: So, you’ve traded palm trees for cacti and suddenly find yourself with a lush green lawn. Cue the excitement… and the confusion. As a California girl turned Arizonan, navigating the world of grass (yes, grass!) and keeping those mischievous dogs from turning it into their personal restroom is a whole new ball game.

4. Welcome to the Wild Wild West: Arizona Edition: So, we thought we knew a thing or two about wildlife – maybe a javelina sighting here, a coyote howl there, or the occasional bobcat crossing our path. But let me tell you, folks, Arizona has its own definition of wild. We’re talking coyotes roaming in packs, majestic hawks setting up shop in our trees – it’s a whole new level of nature’s drama. And as if that weren’t enough, we’ve struck up some unexpected friendships with neighboring donkeys and chickens. With three adventurous boys in tow, our journey feels like it’s just getting started. Here’s to hoping we don’t end up with snakes on our growing list of pets!

5. Making Friends Ain’t Just Kid Stuff: As adults, making new friends can feel like entering uncharted territory. But throw in kids starting anew, and emotions run even higher. Thankfully, our new community has been an absolute blessing, showering us with kindness and warmth, and watching my boys thrive has been the ultimate reward.

6. From New House to Old Charm: Transitioning from a shiny new abode to a cozy older home was a wake-up call in itself. Suddenly, there’s maintenance, repairs, and the never-ending quest to update and upgrade. But hey, remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day – tackling things one step at a time and having a trusted network of contractors at your beck and call can work wonders.

So there you have it, folks – the raw, unfiltered truth about moving, straight from the trenches of real estate. It’s a rollercoaster ride of emotions, challenges, and unexpected delights, but hey, isn’t that what makes life one heck of an adventure? Until next​